APM IT Cybersecurity & IT Essentials™ you the peace of mind you deserve, managing all of your technology for a fixed fee so you can focus on your company’s mission.

With APM IT Cybersecurity & IT Essentials™ your business benefits are immediate.


Fast, Friendly, available support – No matter the question or concern, our team of friendly and local service specialists are here to assist you. Easy to reach via email or phone, our #1 objective is to ensure anyone who needs us, get the responsive and courteous support they need and deserve. 

Cost Controls  – With our fixed fee program, you know exactly what the charges are every month, and exactly what services are covered, while enjoying exceptional customer service and support.

Increased Productivity – With immediate and direct access to technical support, your staff never have to hesitate or wait to get the support they need, ensuring your staff can remain productive at all times!

A Plan with Peace of Mind– Never stress again about network failures. Our IT Essentials program includes round-the-clock monitoring of your computers and network to help prevent problems before they happen, with proper planning and contingency systems in place.

Holistic IT - APM approaches technology as a whole system, designed to work as one cohesive system.

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Server Support
Monitoring, maintenance and operational assurance.

  • Physical, virtual or cloud - monitored, managed servers

  • Up all the time server-based computing platforms

  • Proactive response and remediation

  • Ongoing management, assessment, and technology reviews

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Backup & Recovery
Foundational, revolutionary and robust managed data protection services.

  • Essential Server Protection and D/R preparedness

  • Application-aware and granular file-level integrity

  • Support for Heterogenous Environments - Windows/Linus/MacOS/iOS and more

  • Fully Encrypted, offsite backup and archiving

  • Continuous data protection and data duplication

  • Services from data center to laptops to mobile devices

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Security and Connectivity
Fundamental protection and service availability.

  • Protected, secured internet access and connectivity

  • Remote application technology access and application delivery services

  • Anti-virus and Anti-malware protection and management

  • Consistent shared file/print/email access services

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Desktop Support
Helpdesk for all your staffs' needs!

  • Fast, friendly, approachable and available

  • Professional and courteous support

  • Regional and US based technical support desk

  • Unlimited calls for service of supported business applications and services

  • Essential functionality and application delivery

  • Multiple and mobile device support for each user

You can rest easy when you put your IT support needs in our hands. Contact us today for more information and detailed program information.